FTL RADIO Go to the DanceFloor Player Settings Tune In With Your Media Player Embed

Eclectic Music Mix

Playing Non-Stop Music from around the WORLD 24/7 365 Days A Year. FTL Radio is a product of Foodtravelogue.com, that will help you de-stress the DAY, get ready for the NIGHT and UNWIND the WEEK.

Schedule: MON-Music with a male outlook;
TUES-Cooking Shows (World Recipes);
WED-All Female Voices;
THUR-Mixed Up With Guest DJ's &
FRI-SUN Club/Disco/Drum & Bass/Easy Listening.

Radio Dashboard

Broadcast Started 8 hours ago
Listeners: None
Now Playing:
Stream Info:
Description: World
Genre: Eclectic
Website: http://www.audiorealm.com
Bitrate: 128

More information

Estd 2008, we've been providing our blend of music to suit all palates. From Acapella - Zonal Drills. Tune in MON-THUR for a mixture of info, news & a little bit of current events. The weekend starts FRI-SUN, when we tone it down & blend into Mon - Then Start Again!

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Estd 2008-A TFP1847 Project.